Sunday, October 9, 2011

A divine encounter with God! :D

So here I am. Me david Chandler with my problems and my struggles. Ive tried to keep my life moving with my own strength and my own power but tonight I have been reminded that it is simply impossible for me to do that. I have given my life over to God...again! Today was so Good, today was just amazing. God has pored so much into me in the last 2-3 hours and I've actually decide to receive it this time.
This is what happened: I was not going to go to Grace midtown( church in ATL I go to), but I was told by someone that presence is half the battle. That the devil just wants to distract you from what God wants you to see. And believe me that statement holds a lot of weight in my life. So I go and I honestly try and get into a spiritually receiving mindset. I get there and I see some of my house church friends from kennesaw state and so I grab a the FRONT row at grace midtown at the 8pm service and for those who know about this church know that this church has something special and something just incredible going for it. So there i am right in the midst of the worship and its just great. I loved it, but I wasn't super into it. Nothing remarkable happened, but nonetheless it was good. The message was basically about being a living testimony to what God has done in your life or what God has shown you. And man it just hit me so hard. I was super receptive of that.
Worship comes and the offering plate is passed around and I just got it in me to grab my wallet and give every dollar I had to the offering plate. All i had was $16 but its not the amount that matters. I started getting the mindset in my head that I don't own anything in my life. That this money doesn't belong to me. This money is Gods! All of it! He has provide for me in so many ways beyond finances. And from then on I just began to weep and cry out to God. I just got to a point where I just had my face in my hands and was in just utter awe of Gods Glory! That he is it! He gives me purpose, he gives me meaning, he gives me life! This life isn't about me and this life isn't for me! Its for God. I want to be a vessel to God! I want to serve God! The devil has nothing over me at all! God is Holy so I am Holy! Love God, Trust God, and everything will just workout.
Stop trying to fill your life up with stuff, stop worrying about work, money, academics, or relationships. Just pour into God, and love God as he loves you and everything will just work. God works without or understanding. He doesn't need to understand. He just needs us to be willing g to listen and receive. Tonight was just so powerful and moving. I was laughing and yelling and singing out to God all at the same time. Im on fire for God! I just want more of it!

The only reason Im not writing more is because Im exhausted and Im drained. Ive got work in the morning. But just know that David Chandler is moving in the right direction. God is moving in me so strongly. If you would like to know more then just hit me up. Love you guys!

As always feedback is welcomed! :))

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